Beast in Hand | Teen Ink

Beast in Hand

October 27, 2023
By taylorpaige-jpg SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
taylorpaige-jpg SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I pick it up

The pencil heavy in my hand

The blank book stares me down

Like a hungry predator, and I am the prey

The innocent rabbit about to be splattered across the white snow that is its pages

And yet

I touch pencil to paper

Despite the rabbit within warning me of the wolf that is the page

I have a story to share

A story that breathes, a story that writhes

And I will not let the fear of a beast stop it from living

The author's comments:

Hey, I'm Taylor! Got a little in my feels with this one. A little silly, if you will. Thanks for reading! 

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