My Wife Left Me Over WoW | Teen Ink

My Wife Left Me Over WoW

October 27, 2023
By taylorpaige-jpg SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
taylorpaige-jpg SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My wife left me

Over World of Warcraft

I don’t see what was wrong

Spending all of our savings on in-game purchases

I’m the top-ranked warlock in the state

Can’t she see that?

What do I care?

At least she took the kids with her

No more mid-game interruptions for me!

I do wish she would have left me the house though.

The McDonald’s Wi-Fi kind of sucks.

The author's comments:

Hey, I'm Taylor! Don't read into this one too much, especially if you know me. I might be getting an angry call from somebody over this. Oh well, haha! I think it's funny.

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