Growing Up | Teen Ink

Growing Up

October 30, 2023
By Anonymous

I am from unfolded blankets left out 

From fresh dryer sheets and fabric softener

I am from the small red bricked hour 

From the little pink princess room

I am from 2 younger siblings

Who I’ve watched grow up

I’m from spring flowers

Tulips and daisies  

Blooming and blossoming 

From family barbecues

With sweet flavorful watermelon

Sweetness feeling inside my mouth

The smell of knowing summer was coming soon

To the parking structure sunsets

Painting the sky with colors of yellow, pink, and orange

I am from winters snowfalls

Frosty The Snowman and snowballs

From day dreams that turned into reality

The unknown and scary future

That scares us seniors

I am from joyful old memories 

Now stored in old photos

To the moments you look back on and laugh

To the new memories yet to come

I am from all of the I Love You’s

The ones I now miss

I am from the dreams I get to follow

Once a little girl in her pink princess room

From the roads made for traveling 

Getting to explore the unknown

The author's comments:

This piece gives you an insight into growing up, how everything changes, things get harder, and soon enough you are on your own.

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on Nov. 1 2023 at 3:28 pm
Self-Scarred BRONZE, Temecula, California
4 articles 0 photos 10 comments
I love this so much! Keep up the amazing work!