Rewind the Clock | Teen Ink

Rewind the Clock

January 25, 2024
By tfastdog BRONZE, Moundville, Missouri
tfastdog BRONZE, Moundville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

15: No longer stress free like when I was three

Homework piles high

After school activities take up most of my time

My grades slip like the drip, drip, drip of a faucet

The outcome of my choices not quite set

14: The age where I started to learn what I might want to be

Probably something in the medical field 

So I can use skills that I might soon wield

I can talk to people without yield

Without a fear of them not liking what they might hear

It is hard for people to be open with their words when all they have ever been is shut down

By almost everyone around the town

The first time I was cat-called

And started wondering my worth

Am I more than just a body that has been placed on this Earth?

13: The big one three

I was so excited to see what the world was like through the eyes of a teen

I made new friends and decided then that I would no longer hide in my shell

After all, it does not do good to dwell in your thoughts as if stuck in a well with no way out

12: The age my mom was evicted

I went to live with father

Maybe things would be easier, better

They weren’t.

They only ever went downhill from here

Things were decent then, but they’re a little worse now

Do you know what it’s like to not have a house

I know my moms trying her best

But she also can’t help being depressed

It’s hard on a person when everyone knocks you down till you’re nothing but a small, empty, shell of a person who is just existing

11: One of the most awkward ages

At this time I went through some embarrassing stages

And phases

10: When I first moved to Nevada

My sister had a fish whose breed was a beta

We moved in with a friend of my moms

She was nice until she wasn’t

There’s always a calm before the storm

9. We moved again, new school new me

I was kinda scared, but oh well



7. Mom and dad aren’t together now, 

We’re moving to some place called Sheldon

Things probably won’t be the same anymore

It was typically just my mom, siblings and I because my dad was on the road


5. This year I started kindergarten, I really didn’t want to stay in a place where I didn’t know anyone

When I got there I started to cry, it was scaring

At least I knew two people though, my cousin and my friend

4. Preschool.

I kinda wish I didn’t skip nap time

I had way too much energy

One time a kid threw up on me during school and I had to go home early

Sometimes my mom let me bake for fun, I even got a cupcake maker

3. We went to go look at a house out in the country, it was really big and nice

There’s also a lot of yard space to play in



0. My mom told me that when people found out she was pregnant with me, everyone was insanely shocked

No one expected Devin and Jamie of all people to have a kid together

There had been cousins born at this point, but most people were waiting for me to be born

All my moms friends showed up at the hospital along with most of my family, and after trying to come out at 34 weeks and a second labour lasting 12 hours, I was delivered by c-section 6:31 pm on October 10, 2008

Weighing 7lbs and being born 2-weeks early

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a school assignment, and I felt like others might be able to relate to it.

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