My Adopted Step Mom | Teen Ink

My Adopted Step Mom

February 1, 2024
By Anonymous

She was there since the day I met her.

I always knew of her,

but never met her in person until the day she walked into my life.

She became the one person I could trust with anything

She became the first person I went to for everything.

She got to truly know me

She always shows up in my darkest hour.

The only one of two people that could very easily see straight through the mask.

She became the only person I had never told one lie to,

other than saying “I’m fine.”

Even then,

She still sees straight through to help break the ice.

She seen me at the lowest point in life,

After we’d lost my best friend in the world.

Called me first thing the next morning,

Just to make sure I’d be okay.

I wasn’t sure how God expected me to keep going without my best friend;

My best friend was the reason I’d made it as far as I had.

But she was there every step, through it all

Reassuring everything was going to be okay.

She was there going through it all with me,

Making sure I knew I wasn’t going through it alone.

She was the very first person I’d let all the way in

Sees straight through every “I’m fine” and “I’m okay”

Has her own special way to calm me down and help me out of a panic attack.

At the end of the day,

She’s the only one that can truly get through to me;

And the only person I truly listen to completely, with everything.

When I was going through a rough patch and stopped doing things to take care of myself,

She was the one that knew about it before I’d said anything.

Told me I had to start doing those things for myself

It took a little bit to get myself to the point that it wasn’t so hard to do those things,

But she was the one that got me out of that state of mind.

Just showing she truly cares.

Sometimes that’s all that’s needed.

She’s always making sure that I never doubt myself

Always believe in my own strength

Always reminding me I’m strong enough to get through anything

I wouldn’t have made it through without her by my side anytime I needed

There for whatever I needed.

Needed a few minutes to calm down,

Needed someone to just be there to listen,

A shoulder to lean or cry on,

Even just needed a break from life and reality for a couple minutes,

She’s been there through it all.

When I was on the verge of giving up;

and no one else really knew about it,

She’s been there.

Her hugs and her voice are two of the most comforting things to me.

She will never know how many times she’s saved me

just by being there.

How many times her hugs have been the only thing to calm me

How many times just hearing her voice;

The most gentle, soft and most calming voice I know;

was the reminder I needed,

To know everything would be okay.

Never know the extent on how grateful I am for everything this woman has done for me.

I wouldn’t have made it without her next to my side,

Pushing me to do the things I needed to become the best version of myself.

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