Las Vagas | Teen Ink

Las Vagas

February 26, 2024
By Anonymous

Beautiful lights all day and night
The delicious smell of fresh Macarons
Mile high hotels always having activities
With shops and restaurants galore
And a chance to win it big

In reality
Lights all day and night
Losing sight of the group
As hundreds pack the sidewalks
Concrete, heat, hotels and casinos
Head spinning from all of the activity

Buildings reaching toward the sky
No open spaces
The constant dinging coming from the casinos
People walking, talking, dancing and laughing
Blistered feet from walking for miles

Homeless people in every spot of shade
Begging for money
Reaching, dirty, with signs pleading
Rich and poor all together

The warm and dry heat
The luscious smells coming from each restaurant
Fighting against the smell of weed
And the homeless who never shower
The city that never sleeps

The sun is baking down
Never any rain
Burning skin when outside
Chills when entering any buildings
With their AC on full-blast

The author's comments:

It is a poem of what it is like in las vegas, mostly all of the bad. 

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