Laughter | Teen Ink


March 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Ha … ha … ha …

The sound of laughter

The noise that makes you think

‘Everything will get better’

Oh, how the silent giggles echo through the halls

The snorts that escape you from all the comedy

The loud ‘ha’ that leaves you breathless

All of this laughter takes me back

How long has it been since I did

I would always fake to show face

Don’t show true emotions

Because then they will judge

Nobody wants to be judged

The happiness that tingles through me 

From my toes to the tip of my nose

Who knew this feeling would come back

The happy tears from laughing so hard

My stomach knotting from loud chuckles

My face turning red from all the howls

Oh, how I missed this wonderful feeling of laughter

The author's comments:

I feel laughter is all a part of being human. I hope some emotion happens while reading this piece.

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