Bam, Bam, Bam | Teen Ink

Bam, Bam, Bam

March 11, 2024
By Alyssadewey11 GOLD, Cincinatti, Ohio
Alyssadewey11 GOLD, Cincinatti, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Hardwork beats talent, when talent doesent work hard”

Clutch on to your phone tightly

but hug the ones squeezed next to you tighter

the sterile school air that you breathed in for so long doesn't taste the same

Text your mom

text your dad

your shaky hands struggling to hit send

the thumping of your heart engulfing your ears

silently marching on your chest

ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum

like your unstable breaths

Warm salt burning streaks down your cheeks

bam, bam, bam

like the sound of your heart, but different

ringing out in the halls

ringing in your ears

bam, bam, bam

Your sweaty palms covering your own trembling mouth 

eyes widened

you and the others shake in the corner of the room

bam, bam, bam

running hot and wild are a stream of tears

running hot and wild like your mind

running hot and wild like the gun

bam, bam, bam



ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum

your hearts racing faster now 

Who is next? Me next?

bam, bam, bam

The author's comments:

After recently almost experiencing a school shooting and receiving lots of threats, this just inspired me to write from the perspective of what it may be like if something that terrible did. 

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