My Grandmother in The Wind  | Teen Ink

My Grandmother in The Wind 

April 12, 2024
By ellep15 BRONZE, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
ellep15 BRONZE, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The loneliness that was felt 

after another chip of red was plucked from my heart,

from my sensation. 

The walks through the spirited woods, 

reminding me of memories as each painted leaf glided down,

setting themselves softly, 

like ballerinas, gracefully. 

The whistling wind reminded me of her gentle presence.

The birds calling so simply, 

making me hear her song late at night when I was folded in mountains of blanket. 

The earthy smell of fallen damp leaves, 

so much so, 

that I longed for those rainy days,

Days when I stayed inside with her,

When my whole mind and soul was entirely surrendered to her voice. 

Light rain began to splatter and I started to cry warm tears, 

feeling her presence with me in those enchanted woods. 

The author's comments:

My name is Elle Price and I am a sophomore.I love poetry because it allows me to express emotions that I come across and grants readers the ability to interpret each piece differently, while also making connections to their own lives. My poems are widely intertwined by a heavy, dark tone, which may leave readers with this sensation. 

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