Shattered Mirror | Teen Ink

Shattered Mirror

April 17, 2024
By Anonymous

 Tap..tap..tap on the glass,

“Who are you?”

questioning while staring into its eyes,

 see eyes are the key to one's soul,

but these eyes…

These eyes locked the doors,

 and destroyed the key,

 makes one question if there is a soul behind those eyes,

or if it’s simply an illusion to keep the peace,

like how the midnight sky blends into the oceans,  

these eyes were dark and cold.

Somehow they felt familiar but were still very unknown,

pressing my fingertips to the glass,

leaning towards its eyes,

dark and cold, 

was it even real? 

attempting to hide its face with a blur,

“To get rid of the identity?” 

I softly spoke unsure,

the identity is locked away in a prison behind the eyes,

dark and cold were the guards that contained what lied.   

A sudden rush grew in me, 

I no longer had control, 

 the fear flowing through my veins,

 staring at the eyes with no soul, 

a burst of panic hit me,

 I couldn't predict what came next,

slamming my fist into the glass, 

the mirror broke,

the ground was covered in shattered glass 

I understood it was not an illusion,

the figure that  I saw,

I was not sick or confused,

They were my own soulless eyes,


And cold…. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about being unaware of your self-image. Having an idea of what you look like for so long until you take a moment to look in a mirror and grasp your self-image. THings turn south when it isn't the person you expected it to be. 

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