perfection | Teen Ink


April 22, 2024
By Anonymous

In a world full of judgment and critique,

Where society dictates how we should


Body shaming rears it’s ugly head,

Leaving scars on the hearts of those it


From a young age, we’re taught to conform,

To fit into a narrow idea of beauty,

But who decides what is acceptable,

And why do we allow it to define our duty?

We’re bombarded with images of


Photoshopped bodies and flawless faces,

But the reality is far from that,

And it’s time we shed light on these dark


Body shaming comes in many forms,

From cruel words to subtle glances,

It chips away at our self-esteem,

Leaving us questioning our own chances.

But we must rise above the noise,

And embrace our bodies as they are,

For beauty comes in all shapes and sizes,

And it’s time we raise the bar.

Let’s celebrate our imperfections,

And wear our scars with pride,

For we are all unique works of art,

And our bodies should never be denied.

So let’s stand together hand in hand,

And say no to body shaming’s reign,

For we all worthy of love and respect,

And our bodies should never bring us 


The author's comments:

i wrote this poem from my personal experience.

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