Life So Far | Teen Ink

Life So Far

April 24, 2024
By maite_diaz BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
maite_diaz BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the 23rd of January, Oscar Nominations are set to be announced.

As people pick who their favorite celebrities are and who put their best sad faces on, in movies 

and shows. 

I forget about how those sorts of things are held. 

I am celebrating my sister's birthday in January, the 28th to be exact. 

22 years of her walking on this earth and 16 years of my life that I have shared with her. 

I’ll always be eternally grateful for that opportunity. 

I’m able to say “I have an older sister.”

On the 4th of February, my baby sister was born, 4 days before the start of my relationship.

On the 8th of February, I now had a boyfriend, 3 days before Mom’s Birthday. 

On the 11th of February, it was my mom’s birthday, 3 days before Valentine’s Day. 

On the 14th of February, it was Valentine’s Day and for once in my life, I had a Valentine.

I celebrate, I love to celebrate. 

I’ve celebrated some of these days for as long as I've lived, or I’ll still need some time to get used to. 

But other times there are no celebrations needed, just content I was able to. 

On the 21st of February, I felt as if I was becoming a real adult when I went to take my permit 


I passed with all of them correct and I had never felt such pride, the studying had paid off. 

Something I knew about in February was the Superbowl, most say I live under a rock for not 

paying attention to these things but I’m not the biggest sports fan.

Since the Super Bowl was held on the 11th I had better things to do, but once I could give it 

some thought and time, the one thing I noticed was Usher’s performance. 

I was moved indeed, I didn’t think I’d see a 46-year-old on roller skates and was able to sing 

perfectly without sounding out of breath. 

February was filled with gratitude and love, that my family was kept safe. 

March was nothing special, no celebrations of any sort. 

Maybe the only celebration I had was one with myself when I bought tickets to my favorite band. 

My boyfriend is tagging along and I believe makes it even more exciting than it already was.

Besides that, March was the month when I could decompress and hang out with the people I 

love most. 

I went out with one of my friends, and she insisted on it. 

To be honest I didn’t want to, I’m the type of person who loves to stay inside but being able to 

laugh with her meant so much more.

My boyfriend came over and we had the opportunity to eat together with my mom. 

After that, I had a week of break which was much needed and I spent it with my sister. 

It was towards the end of the month and I was enthusiastic about my birthday that was coming 


Being at the house is always amusing

At the time her roommate was obsessed with March Madness. 

She bet a few bucks with her adult money and we went out to restaurants to watch, it was 

crowded but the first time I was invested. 

As all the other people were watching the men's game we watched the woman’s cheering on 

whoever she had bet on.  

March was delightful as I enjoyed myself having the peace I needed. 

April which is still going on as of right now, is important to me.

Maybe I’m a narcissist, but I enjoy this month since it’s my birthday around this time.

The 1st of April is all about laughs, luckily no one pranked me since I don’t know how I’d handle 


The first week of April was of no importance to me. 

The second week of April was the main event. 

But first, the total solar eclipse happened on the 8th of April, a day before my birthday. 

Although I didn’t see it, I felt honored to have something like this happen on the week of my 


On the 9th of April, I turned 17.

I celebrated it by showing up to school, luckily it wasn’t as dreadful since I kept myself happy 

knowing that maybe I’d do something the weekend of.

I didn’t do anything.

This weekend I am.

I’m going to take pictures and post the ones that make me feel most confident.

I’m not the best at posing for the camera due to the fact I'm shy, but I’d like to look good in other 

people’s eyes. 

But I found out that I’m getting a car, a gift from my mom’s husband. 

I saw the beauty on Sunday. 

I think about how fast I’ve grown, it seemed like only a bit ago I was in my mom’s car in the 

backseat asking “Are we there yet?” and now I’ll be helping her get to places.

April has been filled with the gratitude I have for my health. 

I celebrate, I love to celebrate. 

About other people, with other people, or myself.

The author's comments:

This piece is an honest summary of what the year has looked like so far for me. 

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