Out Of Reach From the insight of Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth | Teen Ink

Out Of Reach From the insight of Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

May 2, 2024
By TylerDavis1 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
TylerDavis1 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Field

Stretching afar to where the eye can’t see,

wheat and grass stand tall and free.

The gloomy sky lays with a gentle breeze,

a calm little life, with the world at ease.


The Girl

However, the fate of the girl is unsure,

as a young runaway, she is just looking for a cure.

She crawls along the field’s trail,

but there is no use since she is too hungry and frail.


The House

The house appeared in the light of day,

yet it seemed too far out of the way.

The girl lets out one final screech,

knowing that the house is out of reach.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem from the insight of the painting, Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth.

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