the pretty girls | Teen Ink

the pretty girls

May 6, 2024
By marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i hear the pretty girls say the dont feel pretty

and i hear the skinny girls say they feel fat

i see the popular girl left out

and i see the ‘dumb’ girl made fun of

what hope does that give me?

if i am not pretty, not skinny, not poplar, and not smart

what hope does that give me?

i thought i had to be one of these things to be happy

or to feel accepted

but no one thats wants you to be left out

will make you feel excepted

and the girls with the biggest insecurities are the girls that do it the most

they are the ones that pick you out

and chose the worst parts of you to bring up

at the dinner table

they are the girls that call you a pick me

to the boy that you have a crush on

but has never noticed you

not even given you a glance

what hope does that give me?


The author's comments:

I recently realized that even the pretty girl cry.

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