Friends | Teen Ink


May 17, 2024
By Zoe_W BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
Zoe_W BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love my friends

I love my friends

 They make me laugh and smile

Everyday I’m excited to see them at school

They make my life better

I love my friends

They help me when I’m down

When I’m up they bring me higher

I feel like I’m in a different world when I’m with them

Our own little world

I love my friends

Their energy is warm and bright

Like a ray of sunshine

Their smiles are contagious

They make me smile even in my darkest moments

I love my friends

Peyton is brutally honest

We all need a friend like that

Bianca sweet and funny

She always knows how to make you laugh

I love my friends

They do crazy things

They sing, dance, and are always in a good mood

I love my friends

I love them with all my heart

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my friends, they mean so much to me and I'm so grateful to have them in my life, they are the best people I know.

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