About the future... | Teen Ink

About the future...

May 20, 2024
By yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
yagirljessie SILVER, Missouri City, Texas
9 articles 12 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
' Everyone keeps telling me how my story ends. Nah Imma do my own thing' - Miles Morales.

Graduation is just around the corner

Yet my stomach is always churning

I should be excited, I know

But why do I fear the inevitable? 

Why is my anxieties clawing through my throat? 

Why I get goosebumps when I check my resume? 

I was always told that I should be the best

So that I would stand out on top

And I took that advice to heart

So here I am thinking...

How good does the resume need to be? 

How friendly am I on the interview? 

Did they like me enough to consider me a worker? 

Would they even promote me? 

And if they do then why do I dread the outcome

Of working everyday, to make it out to survive.

Why do I shiver, when I see the day looming closer?

I don't even know what I want to be? 

Nor what I want to do? 

If what can I do would be replaced by a robot? 

Then what am I supposed to do? 

I wish I was young, and naive again. 

I wish to be oblivious again, 

but this isn't what I got

For the clock is ticking, 

and no turning back. 

Do I dread the future? 

All I could do was wait in anticipation

for the results. 

And that is more dreadful

than whatever lies ahead. 

The author's comments:

I wasn't feeling well about my future so here is what I wrote to make myself feel better. 

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