You're a Bee | Teen Ink

You're a Bee

May 23, 2024
By Anonymous

You're a bee

You sting me so the flowers can flourish

You suck pollen and hope out of those you deem worthless

But yet I need you

You see without you bee 

There would be no pretty trees

No daffodils for me to see 

So you can sting me 

As long as you don't leave me.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Hannah Feiz. I am a senior in high school and I wrote "You're a Bee" my freshman year. I have always been inspired by nature due to the calmness it gives me. I often find myself sitting outside on my balcony watching animals interact with one another, trying to jot down anything that sparks a potential new story. I often write for myself as a way to turn my feelings into art. Although I am not going to major in English, I will continue my writing journey throughout college and hopefully after that as well. I hope you enjoy my piece!

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