Anxiety | Teen Ink


May 23, 2024
By Sinikka BRONZE, Spanish Fork, Utah
Sinikka BRONZE, Spanish Fork, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m sick and tired of my anxiety

Always controlling me.

Making it so I can’t breathe…

Can’t talk to people

except those close to me.

Save me…


I can’t breathe…

I’m shaking like crazy…

Hold me close.

Keep me safe.

I’m sick of the company

provided by anxiety.

Put a pencil to the paper,

fend off the attack with my words…

My defense is my words,

my pencil,

my sword.

Fighting off anxiety.

Struggling to finally breathe…

Anxiety too stubborn too surrender.


Always getting the best of me.

Everyone else gets what’s left of me…

…But all that’s left of me is just a shred of who I used to be…

So I lunge at the attacker with my sword…

But anxiety fights back with a stronger attack.

I use my defense, but anxiety knows my tricks…

Screw it.

I’m done.

I know we’ll keep at this pointless fight,

at least until one of us dies.


…Let me be done…

Give me one good reason I should go on…

I’m sick and tired of my anxiety…

Making it so I can’t breathe…

Save me…


I’m losing this fight…

…I’m exhausted.

I’m shaking.

I am sick and tired of this stubborn anxiety.

It’s hurting me…

Anxiety fights dirty…

Anxiety controls me.

I’m sick and tired of this cruel anxiety…

The author's comments:

Writing and listening are two of my favorite things. When we started learning how to write poetry in English class, I found out it was a really great way to express my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

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