Observant One | Teen Ink

Observant One

May 23, 2024
By maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maudretch SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22" -Swift and Bridgers, Nothing New (2021)

Her name tells of what she does; 

Stalking from the background, 

She watches like a hawk.

She scours for any potential situation,

For which every interaction

Possesses her next move.

Even when she’s on the prowl,

She maintains her facade,

Staying silent amongst the crowd.

It’s not until 

She’s alone

When her shield crumbles at her feet,

Enjoying the sweet and protected vulnerability

That comes with solitude

But not once does she drop the observations;


She continues to watch

As it fills the silence,

Nurturing her soul,

And she hopes that

What she observes,

Might shine back on her;

Not enough to capture attention

But enough to glow 

Among the bright stars,

That illuminates her life

The author's comments:

This piece is a poem that I created with my personality and soul in mind: quiet, calm, and observant.

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