from bread crusts to galaxies | Teen Ink

from bread crusts to galaxies

June 28, 2024
By uhthatsodd BRONZE, Claremont, California
uhthatsodd BRONZE, Claremont, California
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

i don’t like how the crust of bread tastes in my mouth 

so you’ll always eat it for me

and watch me draw scribbles of galaxies while you chew.

i don’t like how people watch me draw but i let you

after all, you created the galaxy where i get to draw and

you get to eat the crust of my bread.

my saturn is missing a ring, so you toss the ring of bread crust

to the saturn of my galaxy.

as saturn keeps on spinning and galaxies keep on colliding,

ours never seem to do.

sometimes i wish they could collide, especially when

the swirls of galaxies at our fingertips touch

when you draw circles around my tired fingers after i draw.

sometimes i wish i could learn to eat my own bread crust.

but for now,

i’ll just keep on drawing

and drawing galaxies.

The author's comments:

this poem is on the unspoken connection (and disconnection) with my mother

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