Meet Me in Your Grave | Teen Ink

Meet Me in Your Grave

July 17, 2024
By andry GOLD, Prague, Other
andry GOLD, Prague, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Loving someone is never a waste

I want to feel your bones

on mine 'cause darling

if we cannot live for each other

we might at least lay in the same grave


I promised you many times

that I will wait for you

till the end of time

but Death already stands in my shadow


My love, I am so tired

it is been so long

maybe you are just a distant dream

nothing but a fantasy


I slowly lose myself when I remember

your eyes that were the prettiest

shade of blue

I prayed that I would never 

have to see tears dripping from them

and God took mercy on me

I am the only one

who suffers

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