A blank canvas | Teen Ink

A blank canvas

October 15, 2009
By Lone_wolf SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
Lone_wolf SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If there is a will, there is a way...

Here i am again, at my canvas, painting a picture, with no face, no body, how can i find a way to shape this picture in a way to stay, and not fade away, my mind has no paint, so my canvas is dry, blank, lifeless, just a white space. I'm just looking up at space, as my mind wonders as if it was in space, I'm so space out, so far apart, i can barely see this world anymore, how did i get this far apart. where was my mind to let me wonder like this, was i meant to be a drifting matter, lifeless, and blank, no color just dull, or was i meant to over take this obstacle and be more, i must be for i see, my path and I'm walking it, slowly but surely I'm becoming the man i should be, of course with help, and i need them. To stubborn to be grateful, and thank them and help them help me, but i say thank you and i should make my life not anyone else, i can only share my life with someone else......

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