Mother | Teen Ink


May 7, 2010
By ShayMcl SILVER, Ocala, Florida
ShayMcl SILVER, Ocala, Florida
7 articles 4 photos 2 comments

n the eyes of your babies,
you're the hero,
maybe you cant fly,
or become invisible,
but its not superpowers that make you my hero,
its what you say and do everyday,
and the efforts you make to help others,
even the ones who aggravate you,
you set an example of who i aspire to oneday be like,
not only do i want to look the part,
i want to be the one that everyone comes to,
i want to be the helpful instead of the helpless,
never could i be better than you,
and never can i be you,
all i can do is work hard to be the best i can,
and hope that its a lot like you,

The author's comments:
this is for my mother , i love her , she is my hero .
she is my life & my everything .

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 27 2011 at 3:25 pm
You are already way beyond where I was at your age and you are an amazing person, if I could fly to heaven and pick one myself I could not have received a more lovely girl. You and your brother are what I strive to be better for, you are everything. Love Always..Mom