Dear Dad | Teen Ink

Dear Dad

May 23, 2010
By Anonymous

Enough time passes,
And I have to admit
That I miss you,
More than I can say.
Do you have any idea?
What its like,
To sit,
And stare,
And know,
That all of my friends have
The one thing
That I need.
That I miss? And you,
You left that.
We are supposed to be
So close.
I, your daughter,
I’m calling you out.
I need you.
I’ve always needed you. And you left me.
You left everything we all had.
You just…walked away.
And I miss it, all of it.
I need it.
I can’t even count,
All those days
When I would just…
I would just,
Burst, Crying,
And I wouldn’t know how to stop,
Or why.
I need you.
And I am never, ever getting
Everything I want so badly
Because you left.
You left the house.
You left the cat.
You left the dog.
You left my little brother.
You left my Mom.
And you left me.
How dare you.
How could you.
But still, I love you,
And I need you,
And I miss you.
And you can’t fix this,
This huge, gigantic,
And even now,
After enough time has passed,
Enough time to talk,
I still cry.
Because a daughter needs a father like
A rose needs a sun,
Lyrics need a melody,
A pen needs paper,
I need you.

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This article has 2 comments.

violinchic said...
on Jun. 19 2010 at 8:56 am
violinchic, Lalaland, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 12 comments
Oh my Gosh Im so sorry about you Dad, I cant even imagine.

on Jun. 16 2010 at 2:15 am

I lost my dad recently too. But not because he left, but because he died.

I know it's not necessarily the same, but i do know what you're going through.

Good writing skills.