Love's Time | Teen Ink

Love's Time

May 29, 2010
By MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
70 articles 0 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a mountain on a beach"-Unknown
"Will: This is either madness or brilliance. Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."-Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl.

For the short times
we saw each other in school,
were awkward and odd-
the beginning
of this new found love
was still so very
Then time grew.
We talked on yahoo.
And talked.
And talked.
Making plans
of when to see each other next.
And then we found ways
to have that time together-
went to some friend's houses;
played so many games,
learned so many things.
But time did not grow:
It evaporated.
Where did it go?
Hours melted to minutes,
Minutes into seconds,
and suddenly,
months into weeks.
Time didn't seem real,
like it had taken a break.
Things moving so fast,
love coiling in like snakes.
Finally it slowed down-
reality now gone:
Anything is possible-
as long as we are together.
Time starts to speed our feelings:
an inner-clock
that has no connection
with the real world.
And just like that..
I have fallen in love,
the whirl pool of time's life;
the connection of spirits;
the life of trust,
and loyalty;
the oldest fairy-tail in the books.
And I have come
to a realization
about time and it's payment:
For every moment we spend together,
more stubborn moments of pain
is added for when we must part-
to be sure that we spend
many more happy moments of time
With each- other.
I wonder how bad
the pain shall get,
but somehow,
it does not matter to me-
I'll endure any amount of pain,
as long as I can be happy with you,
and you happy with me.
At this present time,
when we must part,
i feel like a piece of my heart
is vanishing into your skin-
as soon as the last touch is made;
Tears leak from my eyes
from an unknown source
and a pulling from my chest;
wired thoughts take over my head,
to cover up that needing ache.
And wishes of the future take over,
The time
when we don't have to say good-bye.
The time
that we shouldn't be worrying about now.
The time
that may never come-
yet we live like it will,
The time
That keeps hope in our hearts,
Fire in our veins,
Passion in our skin,
and Faith in our brains.
The time,
when no more love can be gained-
but also,
when no love at all
can be taken away.

The author's comments:
I really love this one.. it has been a while since I've wrote a poem I really enjoy.. But I'd like opinions of you guys!!! Since I am the writer.. I am kinda biased :) Thanks!!!

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