Sense of Direction | Teen Ink

Sense of Direction

June 8, 2010
By ladySummerBrooke BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
ladySummerBrooke BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am a bug,

small and some-what strapped down
on a spider’s web
But I escape

ready to find,
But, there’s east, there’s west, there’s up, there’s down,

there is right or left, north or south:
every way that I could go,

every way that I could go.

I am an artist

with a furrowed brow,

a blank canvass
prepared to be painted.

But first--- a focal point
What is most important,

that all else leads up to?
Yes, there’s east, there’s west, there’s up, there’s down,

there is right or left, north or south:
everything that I could choose

everything that I could choose

I am on a path,
curved yet clear
sweet spring melodies fill the air

I could deviate,

I could,

I could,

I could!
Missing opportunities could kill me,

but taking them could do the same.
I have found the way

in which I must go.
In time, I’ll wander, through snowfall,

returning to my home.

The author's comments:
We had been assigned certain types of poems to write throughout our unit and this was our first assigned poem where it was completely free choice. I loved to write freely.

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