The Beach, The Boys, and the Floating Dock | Teen Ink

The Beach, The Boys, and the Floating Dock

October 27, 2010
By nate cohen SILVER, Park City, Utah
nate cohen SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The water was sky blue and slightly to cold.
The beach was almost silent. . .

Beach goers dazzled,
11 people! on one 8 by 8 floating dock!

and trying,

and trying,
to flip the dock.

Every year we amused people on the beach,
with our falling, rolling and diving on that tiny dock. . .
but this year,
. . . it was different. . .
we had a goal,
and we were going to accomplish it. . .
No matter what.

Everyone was holding their breath.
the dock was vertical!
. . . almost there
someone ditched,
dashing to the top,
slipped and. . .
All of us taken out like bowling pins. . .

And the dock still upright. . .

oh well, more fun for next year.

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