Auburn, Indiana | Teen Ink

Auburn, Indiana

December 8, 2010
By Macy. BRONZE, Auburn, Indiana
Macy. BRONZE, Auburn, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is Auburn, Indiana.
The infamous town where people are cool enough to talk crap about you AFTER you turn your back.
Where one sided opinions come out of the sky, and rumors are just as popular as cars.
Where people would rather try to bring you down than lift you up.
Your friends are NOT your friends, their your enemies' middle man.
Where it is okay to use people for their time, money, and car because you're too lazy to fill out a job application, and have your own things.
You wish the world for the person you care most about every night before you go to sleep, and you still know there's a wish out there for you.
Where people who you don't even associate with judge you and call you names.
Where random people you don't even know can't even tell you why they don't like you, and if you're lucky to have a true friend in this town, just wait a few months, you don't know them like you think you do.

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