Blank Canvas | Teen Ink

Blank Canvas

December 12, 2010
By AnjiLegacy PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AnjiLegacy PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
26 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life has lost its meaning, continue on searching for its significance."

Your future is a blank canvas. You are the painter. You possess the brush. Paint your future, for it is you and only you who has that control. Paint it, with beautiful blues, ravishing reds and phenomenal purples. The brush is yours. The canvas is yours. Go on and have fun! Wear that beret, slap on that smock. And know, that if your brush ends up in anothers hands... That you were the one who let that happen.

The author's comments:
(I would appreciate comments on all of my poems that were read. How am I to become a better writer without constructive criticism)

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