Seasons | Teen Ink


January 6, 2011
By Annabel1379 BRONZE, Evanston, Illinois
Annabel1379 BRONZE, Evanston, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” -Coco Chanel
“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” -Coco Chanel

Can the seasons come?
Can the seasons go?
Can the birds chirp?
Can the water flow?
Can the flowers bloom?
Can the weather warm?
Can you tell it’s spring?
Can the bees swarm?
Can the sun shine?
Can the water fall?
Can the sky rain?
Can the trees grow tall?
Can the world be colorful?
Can the sky be blue?
Can you tell it’s summer?
Can the flowers be new?
Can the leaves change?
Can the leaves fall?
Can you tell it’s autumn?
Can the birds call?
Can the sky snow?
Can the ground be white?
Can you tell it’s winter?
Can the lights shine bright?

Can the seasons come?

Can the seasons go?

Can the seasons change?
Can the seasons show?

The author's comments:
This piece is about how the seasons change and how you can follow them through the beauty of the changes.

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