Don't | Teen Ink


January 12, 2011
By Reptilian-Angel SILVER, Partlow, Virginia
Reptilian-Angel SILVER, Partlow, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
What Goes On?

Don’t abandon me
Don’t forget me
Don’t leave me behind

Don’t sicken me
Don’t hurt me
Don’t kill me
Don’t leave me to die

Don’t starve me
Don’t beat me
Don’t throw me
Don’t scream for me to drop and lie

Don’t judge me
Don’t tease me
Don’t bully me
Don’t blind me by lies

Don’t see me
Don’t hear me
Don’t touch me
Don’t believe me by and by

Don’t trust me
Don’t believe me
Don’t get me
Don’t listen to what I say

Don’t know me
Don’t like me
Don’t love me
Don’t pretend another day

Don’t hold me
Don’t hug me
Don’t embrace me
Don’t lay your arms around my waist

Don’t talk to me
Don’t laugh with me
Don’t comfort me
Don’t act like you care anyway

Don’t flirt with me
Don’t play with me
Don’t stop me
Don’t make me say what I don’t say

Don’t protect me
Don’t admit to me
Don’t kiss me
Don’t make me fall for you

Don’t sing to me
Don’t play to me
Don’t write about me
Don’t make me think you are true

Don’t look for me
Don’t find me
Don’t save me
Don’t let me love you

Don’t accept me
Don’t swear to me
Don’t be there for me
Don’t make me do what I don’t do

Don’t yell for me
Don’t shout for me
Don’t cry for me
Don’t want me though I want you too

Don’t watch for me
Don’t fight for me
Don’t die for me
Don’t leave me as I was

Don’t bleed on me
Don’t die on me
Don’t lose all hop on me
Don’t leave me now because . . .

I love you
I love you with all my heart
I love you with all my soul
I want to be with me
Don’t you dare on me depart

Do come back to life
Do save me from strife
Do love me, hold me and accept me
Don’t let me out of our life


The author's comments:
This poem is based on the point of view of 1 of my OC characters. It's a little sad at 1st but it gets better.

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