60 seconds left... | Teen Ink

60 seconds left...

January 27, 2011
By Cherry-Pie-5 SILVER, Bracknell, Other
Cherry-Pie-5 SILVER, Bracknell, Other
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I often wonder what I would do if I only had 60 seconds left
Where would I be? How would I feel?
Would I laugh? Would I cry?
Would I sit and watch a clock’s hand tick by
While my heart plummets with each precious moment slipping away.

I could flashback over my time
I could smile till teardrops appear
Be so grateful to have been me and lived the life I did
Or I could wish to have done more, been somebody else;
Had the courage to make that phone call or climb that mountain.

Maybe I would take a step back and look at the world,
Imagine I had made a bigger difference and not just part of the crowd
Perhaps I would plan my final thought,
Write a letter to my parents as a final thank you and goodbye
Or just stop and stare into the distance at the setting sun, bright and daunting, it will burn forever

What will be my last memory?
The people I love, the people I wish I had more time with?
I could ponder over my success or regret where I could have done better
What will my last words be?
Will you be there if I’m scared?

60 seconds- I could compliment a stranger
Hug and smile at a friend
I could write this poem
Or whisper, ‘I love you.’

But I don’t want to wonder anymore
Each moment counts I don’t want to lose any time
I will be happy and not regret anything as my decisions make me
The future can wait- my final moments being free where I can do anything at all
But I forever hope I don’t sit and wait- It’s my last chance for everything...I’m running out of time...

The author's comments:
Don't waste time...You'll never have enough.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 26 2012 at 8:54 pm
writer3499 GOLD, New Bedford, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 196 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;it&#039;s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all-in which case you fail by default.&quot;<br /> -J.K.Rowling

I find that this si so relatable because I feel the same way. Really great job writing this, I loved it!! Would you mind commenting on some of my stuff if you get a chance, Thanks!