Dont talk just listen | Teen Ink

Dont talk just listen

February 1, 2011
By Mdrizzle SILVER, Park City, Utah
Mdrizzle SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do it because you want to not because you have to

3 steps into my room you see jerseys hanging to the left. Then the dresser with the stickers and a shelf with all of its mess. Medals, trophy’s and chains, all to match the my clothes. The only thing i’m missing is my poster with a pose. My bed in the middle with its sick blue sheets nasty color room small and petite. Got a pretty good view, mountain range and all. It probably goes for miles thousands of feet tall.Some what of a walk in closet. Sliding doors to the side, open it up and ill introduce you to whats mine. Hoodies to the left got my shirts on the right. Nikes laced up when im ready for the night. Jeans lookin fresh, flanels ironed up. 6 30 AM, time to get up. Got a chair for chillin and a pillow thats illin. When you sit down on it you might feel like a villin. You might feel like boss or a kid in the shop. Theres no money no candy no nothing just stop. Sit down don’t talk just listen to my voice, feel the rhythm feel the power theres nothing no noise. Unless you want some music, got my ipod sinked in. Blasted all the way up, no turning it down if you know what it is. Beds to the floor so its easy to get in, better to be low than high on a night summers end.

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