Doubtful Essence | Teen Ink

Doubtful Essence

May 16, 2011
By Liesl SILVER, Bedford NY, New York
Liesl SILVER, Bedford NY, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What one might think
Was an admirable friendship,
Became cheap,
After realizing that within
The laughable existence of the relationship
Stood an unfaithful, fluctuating soul.

Is it rational to believe
That the devil incarnate
Now lies within
The flowery character
I once knew?

While they filled your brain
With an ocean size amount
Of malicious chants,
I was your savior,
Waiting patiently beyond the ridicule
To shield you from loathsome, hateful words.

In my heart of hearts,
I was conscious of your doubtful essence,
But never really willingly admitted it to myself,
For I believed you would beautifully blossom
From the petit bud,
Suffocating in the field of already perfumed flowers.

What’s done is done cannot be pardoned.
The remembrance of things past
Remains inaudible,
And the future exists as equivocal.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by my year as an 8th grade student and has to do with the difficulties that end friendships. Luckily, after a friendship has ended, with the right mindset everyone can make new friends and still be able to think of the joyful memories that lay within an old friendship.

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This article has 1 comment.

dynafit said...
on May. 25 2011 at 4:25 pm
I'll give this poetry a ***** star rating.