Life... | Teen Ink


July 24, 2011
By Angie8Pizza BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
Angie8Pizza BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.<br /> -William James

The sun rises, bringing a new day,
A pelican wakes up, and starts flapping away.

I hear children laughing, having fun,
A man takes his final breath, his life is done.

It's the last day of school, the final bell rings,
A baby opens her eyes, and her life begins.

A tree slowly grows, sprouting out of the ground,
A puppy barks and whines, at a cage in the pound.

A girl and a boy are on a first date,
A man sees a woman and knows that it's fate.

A monkey is swinging, having fun at a zoo,
Old friends get together and laugh at what they used to do.

The lights flicker out, because of a storm,
Two college kids laugh, sitting in a dorm.

A boy nods his head, in beat with a song,
A little girl laughs, her life will be so long.

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