Sunrise, Sunset | Teen Ink

Sunrise, Sunset

October 23, 2011
By freedomwriter7 PLATINUM, T-town, Illinois
freedomwriter7 PLATINUM, T-town, Illinois
27 articles 12 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

ThinkGeek asks: did you know that Vulcans eat cookies only once every seven years?

I want you to sing me to sleep;
I want you to hold me in your arms.
I want you to love me ‘til the days are done,
and dawn has just begun.
And from the sunrise on,
I want to walk with you
from east to west and every music store in between.

When you play your guitar,
I want you to play for me.
I want to make you smile
and love me til the end.
When it rains, I want to dance in it with you.
And I want to talk in it,
and walk in it,
and sing in it,
and sleep in it,
and taste it.
The drops rest on our skin
and in our eyes.
In that moment, in all the moments,
we understand.
Someday, we’ll be old and grey
and tired.
But we’ll always be in love.

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