A Lost Duck | Teen Ink

A Lost Duck

November 11, 2011
By winieandrea PLATINUM, Pekalongan, Other
winieandrea PLATINUM, Pekalongan, Other
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You wouldn’t know—
You wouldn’t want to know
How confusion forbid me from seeing tomorrow.

You wouldn’t know—
No, you don’t have to know
After all the night stays the same
And morning is just another day I tame.
You wouldn’t want to know how I play the game.

Because I guess neither both you and I
Can ever understand how we might die.

Don’t you know that
There’s a hunter right there
Beneath the swaying grasses,
Behind the bushes,
Or maybe right at where I’m about to turn

To the right,
To the left,
Or behind me,
Or in front—right ahead of me.

The truth is I cannot see the man
Or anything on this dreary land.

So I decided to venture around,
Who knows then I might be found.
Or who knows then I might spot the water
Where I could roam around freely later.

Because for now I guess neither both you and I
Can ever know how and where they go
When they possess wings and yet it kills them to fly.

But can I just break the obstruction
And let me hold and trust my vision
To find out, I just need a direction.

The author's comments:
The Catcher in the Rye inspired this piece. Teenagers are complex beings that we even fail to understand ourselves. However, one day we eventually have to breakthrough, whether we know or do not know how to fly on our own.

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