abuse | Teen Ink


November 21, 2011
By dustybrowneyes BRONZE, East Bethel, Minnesota
dustybrowneyes BRONZE, East Bethel, Minnesota
2 articles 10 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
I\\\'d like to run away
From you,
But if you didn\\\'t come
And find me ...
I would die.
~ by Shirley Bassey ~

Why do we let are self’s be pushed around and beat up? Are we scared of change or of what’s on the other side of the door, or is just the fact that we can’t let go of what is or what it could have been? I think some of us are just too scared to say stop that’s enough, do you even realize that you’re hurting me or do you even care.

The author's comments:
its writtin about how i felt.

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