Just Like....... | Teen Ink

Just Like.......

November 17, 2011
By lilmissnicegirl GOLD, Birmingham, Alabama
lilmissnicegirl GOLD, Birmingham, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&#039;Its better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.&#039; ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson<br /> &#039;If at first you don&#039;t succeed, try try and try again.&#039; ~ <br /> &#039;All is fair in love and war&#039; ~<br /> &#039;Beauty is in the eye of the beholder&#039; ~Various People

Just like flowers, we grow and blossom to become beautiful people.
We change and adapt to the world around us.
We learn how to survive the harsh, cruel weather from the world around us.
Just like a bird, I fly and soar through the clouds.
I flap my wings to the beat of the wind.
I leap into the sky home ward bound.
I look over the world with sad eyes of pain and misunderstanding.
I dream of the simplest of lives, filled with hopes of love and happiness.
My life seeming meaning less, with no hopes of true happiness.
I continue on the path many before me have taken and many after will take.
I do not try to break the pattern of eternity just for hopeles dreams and impossible hopes.
My journey will end as it is supposed to, with my happy ending.
I just have to survive this path and try my best to not fall astray from this.
I, as the bird i truly am, must always follow the path that will lead me happly home.

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