Conflicted Heart | Teen Ink

Conflicted Heart

November 28, 2011
By Chelsea91708 BRONZE, Bucyrus, Ohio
Chelsea91708 BRONZE, Bucyrus, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What Doesn't Kill Me Will Only Make Me Stronger <3

I feel temptation and it's trying to go for the kill. It's trying to weaken my heart, trying to challenge my will. It casts an illusion in my mind, convinving the light to look real. But I got a darkness that can't be lit, and I remember how this feels, because my bruises don't heal. I crave explainations, and I sense the motivation. I'm cautious but I'm shaking, and I catch a glimpse of this dangerous combination. I'll be taking risks, revealing that I care. Just to show that my heart is still there. Because I choose dare, but truth be told, I'm scared to live another nightmare. So into the eyes of conflict my heart stares.

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