i walk alone dad | Teen Ink

i walk alone dad

January 5, 2012
By jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.<br /> Winston Churchill

the lights so blinding
behind the face mask
my fathers hopes and dreams
pulse trough my body
i plow into hI'm,
my resentment shows on that glistening grass
i look up in the stands
i see no pride in what i do

his everlasting hopes push me through
i slide onto the hard wet earth
the rain drops now feel like
needles piercing me
constant excitement
i look up yet again to see hI'm smile
if this is what it takes dad
i will do what ever you push me to do
my muscles bulging,
listening intently to all the voices
hopes that i am suffice

innocence plastered across this field
I'm the only one who can take
his constant anger,shame,unhappiness
i cant take hI'm anymore
i go through the isolated hallways
i walk alone dad

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