Only a few more to go | Teen Ink

Only a few more to go

February 15, 2012
By freeday15 GOLD, Paramus, New Jersey
freeday15 GOLD, Paramus, New Jersey
18 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is Blind" i truly believe in this it is in all of my pieces, and if u read between the lines then u will find it there...

50 more boxes to go.

These chains hold me to my sins.

These chains hold me to my promises and goals.

I vow to break these chains

These chains will break for I have met my goals, and I have learned to grow as a person and an individual.

I remember not long ago I said that I would be successful in my academics; I can say truthfully that now I am.

I had set goals to be a better person and I fulfilled those duties with my utmost heart.

The one question I ponder about is why are these chains still around me?

I have goals to be a veterinarian when I graduate high school but those plans are years away. People tell me not to worry about them now, but it only causes me to worry more.

To be free of these chains that still hold me to my life would set me free at last.

To let go of constant worry and go away to college would fulfill a long term goal.

I know that I have had some minor and major setbacks, but I have come to realize my mistakes and I can fix them.

Not everyone is perfect.

I had come into this school not knowing what to expect. By the third month I should have realized that I had fallen short.

There are many things that I wish
I could have done to save myself this anxiety. But everything happens for a reason.

There were moments where I did surprise myself and I felt accomplished that I had checked off another box on my “goals” list.

So why are these chains still at my feet like snakes?

They come up every once and awhile to trip me up and make me fall into a bad pattern once again.

I will not allow these chains to hold me back any longer.

I will not allow them to rule my life and cause me to fail.

I will grow out of these chains and be free.

I will make my own choices whether they are good or bad and suffer the consequences.

I will make better good in my life and check off another box on my list.

I will expect more from myself and receive more in return.

These chains are no longer.

49 more boxes to go.

The author's comments:
this is for an english assignment...

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This article has 1 comment.

Dujjo BRONZE said...
on Apr. 17 2014 at 1:06 pm
Dujjo BRONZE, Glasgow, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Does giving really mean hospitality, Or does caring for people? I think the latter. "
I know it's a random quote but I love it all the same!!!

 That was really, really good! I love it when people give something like anxiety, depression, happiness, etc. a physical nature that they have to get over.