I Miss the Summer... | Teen Ink

I Miss the Summer...

April 2, 2012
By Nannahhorton2012 BRONZE, Coldwater, Michigan
Nannahhorton2012 BRONZE, Coldwater, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t cry because it is over. Smile because it happened.&quot;<br /> -Dr.Seuss

I miss the Summer nights,
How you would kiss me in the cheek and say "I will see you again soon."
I miss the Summer nights,
When we would hold each other on the couch just watching 90's cartoons.
I miss the Summer days,
When we would play pretend, and I got to make up the rules.
I miss the Summer days,how we would Walk up and down streets acting like complete fools.
I miss the Summer mornings,
How I would wake up to a text that read "the day is young, Let make it one of a kind!"
I miss the Summer mornings,
How I would remember, wile eating my Fruit Loops, love like ours is hard to find.

The author's comments:
I wanted to create a poem where love was not an extremely intimate thing. I don't believe that sex before marriage makes a good relationship, and is against my morals. I wanted to display a love that had none of sexual things of a relationship but also displaying and amazing amount of love at the same time. I believe I portrayed that in this poem.

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