What lies beneath you. | Teen Ink

What lies beneath you.

April 13, 2012
By Erika2015 GOLD, Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Erika2015 GOLD, Monroeville, Pennsylvania
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

As you talk, I listen.
When you listen, I don't talk.
You cant break me.
I'm as hard as a rock on the
And soft on the inside.
My feelings lie deep inside
Seeping into my soul
Pouring into my heart
Never shattering my flesh.
My blood boils with rage
It sizzles with sorrow
And it burns with pain.
No point of living as if i care.
Keep your worry to yourself.
Stop worrying about me.
You say you love me.
Those words ricochet off my skin
Back into your mouth.
That word is my enemy.
It kills every living cell in my
It shuts down my system
My heart disintegrates
Turns into dust.
The wind blows it away.
No longer me.
So i have a shield against that
My ears ring, but my body does not
So keep talking, and I'll listen.
Don't expect anything in return.

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This article has 1 comment.

deleted said...
on Apr. 16 2012 at 4:35 pm
deleted, Miami, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 194 comments
Amazing imagery. You're really good with descriptions! Keep it up!!!