I am a bird | Teen Ink

I am a bird

June 20, 2012
By Sweetserendipity BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
Sweetserendipity BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To love would be an awfully big adventure." J.M. Barrie

I am a bird- soaring, flying free
I am a bird- new adventures await me
me? me? flying and free?
I must break away- away from the known
reject the scene, embrace the new and unexplored
in my heart and in the world
the world is my world
I am part of the world
I am the world and I am
a bird

The author's comments:
The sight of a small bird fluttering around the park sparked something in me- a sort of creative freedom and intrigue. And therefore, this poem

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