Fort-Something Airport: Hopers | Teen Ink

Fort-Something Airport: Hopers

July 19, 2012
By tatianadubin GOLD, New York, New York
tatianadubin GOLD, New York, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Military boy with wounded-deer eyes and
A Golden Retriever smile

Hertz stand and streamer-haired sheep and dusted conveyer-belt dreams and all that the meek humid mid-morning implies…

Not so smart to wear Eiffel-towers on Jet… feet unpainted and too coral-like
For such soda-can-shiny hair. Suitcase printed with boy’s name
And cryptic nuzzle of too-blonde-of-a-girl makes Airport tendrils flutter

3 days of sky having nervous breakdowns and the future waging a seductive tail at
Conspicuous, New York hopers. Utopian communities unbounded by violent throes of weather
as Father,
pants too-high and camper back-pack
trots shoulder first towards
Emerald City, hoping to overthrow failing Wizards…

Oh, moonlit saunas and water-washed steam rooms!
Streams that flow through familial blood like Lou Reed’s heroin and
The bead-wearing psychics and all that they imply with their brief sonatas…

With the world incomparable and the heart a ticking muscle, with trombone moments paled down to animated ring tones, and, finally, with a rasping and gasping happiness quivering in the near horizon- all depends on an impossible destiny’s final urges

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