Remember When | Teen Ink

Remember When

August 23, 2012
By KnitsandPurls GOLD, Mahtomedi, Minnesota
KnitsandPurls GOLD, Mahtomedi, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I cannot live without books"
--Thomas Jefferson

Remember when you were very small
And you drew a self-portrait in crayon,
With a bulging head,
Tiny body,
And swooping thin smile?
You presented it to your mom, grinning,
And she smiled at your childish hard work.
Remember how good that made you feel?
I do.

Remember when you jumped into the pool for the very first time
Feeling the water rush up around you
And close over your goggled head
And pinched nose.
When you came up gasping, do you remember your dad’s applause?
You felt so good!
Do you remember?

As people get older,
I consider it our responsibility
To be the smile
And to be the applause.
We’re the praise-givers now.
Don’t shirk your responsibility.

Make sure you smile at those younger than you.
Teach them that the world is a loving place
So that they might make it so.
Support them
Make their day
So that they’ll do it for their children
So our grandchildren will applaud theirs.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when our teacher asked us to write a poem about a philosophy we live by.

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