The Beautiful Blue Mask | Teen Ink

The Beautiful Blue Mask

September 7, 2012
By ScienceLover PLATINUM, Colden, New York
ScienceLover PLATINUM, Colden, New York
28 articles 1 photo 20 comments

The beautiful blue mask
Swirls and dances in the artificial light
With its long nose,
And its artful grace.

He made it.
And he loves it.
Wears it for Halloween,
Every year.

He should wear it in the ballroom.
And watch it swirl and dance
With its artful grace
Where it belongs.

It may never happen.
But I can still hope
That one day I will look at that beautiful blue mask,
My favorite color,
And smile a real smile.

The author's comments:
I won't tell you exactly what this poem is about. I know it's a bit cryptic. If you want to know, comment and I'll tell you.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 14 2012 at 4:17 pm
ChrisJ PLATINUM, Rochester, New York
24 articles 15 photos 289 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.

I think that what you are trying to say here is that we should always be proud of our creations, whatever they may be, and accept them so they look great in our eyes. I think it is either that, or this may just relate to a your personal life and experiences. Either way, great job!