Hourglass | Teen Ink


October 19, 2012
By AshleighRay SILVER, Grapevine, Texas
AshleighRay SILVER, Grapevine, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let your fear decide your fate."

As I lay, quiet and still, upon my bed to heave
My thoughts consist of only you.
Outstretched, my chilling hands hold onto the warmth of your skin.
Cause even though the pain has reached them, I live to feel your touch.
The beating heart of mine grows faint by the seconds, but my love for you will stay within.
Slowly, the sand in my Hourglass reaches the last of its lovely grains.
So in weakened words I whisper, I love you in a fading, final breath.

The author's comments:
love, dying,

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