Possession | Teen Ink


October 30, 2012
By EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
EmilyG17 SILVER, Topeka, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I would rather say "I did it" than "I gave up".

In the corner his screams turned into a loud cry,
He kept whispering he wasn’t ready to die.
Cold chills silenced him to a deadly fear.
He realized the demon was closer than near…

Shaking, spasms over took his body.
Terror filled the mind of little bobby.
Bloody dark shadows crawled across the wall.
Suddenly he began to feel very small.

Gnashing his teeth in pain,
He realized he was no longer sane.
No control of his body as a whole,
The devil has stolen his soul.

His cold black eyes answered the question,
Evil has taken full possession.

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